Wilderness First Aid, CPR Level C/AED
Prerequiste: Participants should be in good health and physical condition. Part of the course is taught in an outdoor setting and requires greater physical activity and endurance than typical first aid training.
Duration: 20 hours - 2 1/2 days
Cost: $285.00
Certification Earned: You will receive a 3 year certification in Wilderness & Remote First Aid, CPR level C/AED certification and valuable skills for 24 hour outdoor survival with successful completion and mandatory attendance.
Course Description: Our basic level of Wilderness & Remote First Aid & CPR is for remote workers or outdoors people who work or play in isolated or wilderness settings and need to respond to emergencies when advanced care is not immediately available. The course covers material in Red Cross Standard First Aid & CPR, special material on techniques for wilderness and remote areas and strategies to provide extended care for up to 24 hours.
Course Outline:
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Advanced Wilderness First Aid, CPR Level C/AED
Prerequiste: Participants must be at least 16 years of age and in good health and physical condition. Part of the course is taught in an outdoor setting and requires greater physical activity and endurance than typical first aid training.
Duration: 40 hours - 5 days
Cost: $500.00
Certification Earned: You will receive a 3 year certification in Advanced Wilderness & Remote First Aid, CPR level C/AED certification, and valuable skills for 72 hour outdoor survival with successful completion and mandatory attendance.
Course Description: Comprehensive First Aid & CPR techniques for those who need a higher level of training to work and respond to emergencies in isolated or wilderness settings. Training is also suitable for those who supervise or act as guides for groups of people. The course covers material in Red Cross Standard First Aid & CPR plus advanced procedures and strategies to provide extended care for more than 72 hours.
Course Outline:
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